Category: Uncategorised

Childlessness For Men

By: Robin Hadley Rather than me bang on academically about why the myth that fatherhood doesn’t mean much to men. I thought it would be better to share the men experiences. The following extracts are from men I’ve interviewed and…

Fatherhood: The Journey of Four New Dads

By: Sarah Jane Griffiths and Luke Sullivan Mark (37), East Sussex, Builder, Twin boys (11 months) How are you finding being a dad? It’s harder than I ever imagined. You can’t believe how much it changes things. When my mates started having kids years…

Men and the Armed Forces

By: Lauren Ward The rising number of military personnel suffering ‘emotional trauma’ has been well documented (NAMI, 2011). This, as well as the number of service men and women committing or attempting suicide has been a source of both professional…

Intimacy and Men: A Psychodynamic Theory

By: Dr Luke Sullivan Psychodynamic theories of male development have focused on the early years of men’s lives (Chodorow, 1978; Diamond, 2004; Fast, 1990; Greenson, 1968; Ogden, 1989; Pollack, 1995; Stoller, 1964, 1965, 1968) and have led to the hypothesis…

Faces of Mental Health – A New Short Film

By: Arthur Cauty Since losing somebody myself to suicide, I’ve experienced the stigma around suicide and mental health up close. And only through talking about my loss did I uncover just how common suicide, depression and mental health issues are. It…

Your Mental Health Checklist for Men

You would go to the dentist if you had toothache, and make an appointment with the GP if something was wrong with your physical health. It is just as important to treat your mental health in the same way –…